Monday, May 16, 2011

November 2011: "Diving In"

How did this journey begin? 
Obviously this doesn’t make sense. 

We are in our mid-forties (ouch!), we’ve just thrown a wedding celebration for our first born, Emily.  Ben is a freshman in college.  Four are still being schooled at home:  Caleb a junior, James in 7th grade, Gracie a second grader, and Ellie a kindergartner.  More than a few of our friends are about to have an empty nest, and we’re contemplating adding a little one to our craziness.

Over the past two years we regularly have asked ourselves, “Is the Davidson family complete?”  No answer…no peace….
However, our eldest boys have assured us that “yes” we were too old to even think such thoughts, and the Davidson home is definitely maxed out!  At one point we began to fill out an adoption application, only to rip it up a day later.

Then came the Mid Atlantic Orphan Summit and a weekend with the Twietmeyers (the founders of Project Hopeful).  Two years ago we specifically prayed, “If we are to adopt again, please bring our children on board.”  We wanted to honor their thoughts in this family decision…..nothing!

Now within days of the Summit, all of them individually came to us and said that we need to adopt, and she needs to have a special need (let’s adopt someone that no one else wants).  As our friend Carolyn says, “If not us, then who?”

“OK God, not our timing, but yours….here we go again.”

As one of our favorite artists sings:
"I’m divin’ in
I’m going deep
In over my head I want to be
Caught in the rush
Lost in the flow
In over my head I want to go!"

We’re taking a leap of faith!

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